Leading Mental Health Speaker and Advocate

Mindfulness Warrior, Helping Organizations Improve Mental Health and Combat Addiction

Speaking internationally, on topics surrounding addiction, mental health and living a fulfilled life, Casey walks audiences through how to be self reflective, tap into undiscovered resources and build a culture based on honesty and creativity.  She combines her corporate management background and mindfulness training to  assist organizations in becoming pioneers to addressing the mental health and burnout crisis facing our society.

Presentation Topics:

Corporate Keynote:

Transforming Mental Health into Mental Wealth:

Mental illness affect 1 in 5 Americans
For every $1 invested in employee emotional and mental well being, employees see a return of $4
Economic loss due to chronic stress in America is $193.2 billion annually

The list of statistics continues, but still companies turn a blind eye to the mental health crisis engulfing their company.  In this keynote Casey addresses the signs and symptoms of chronic stress and mental illness and understanding the impact it has on a company’s culture and bottom line.  Stigma plays the lead role in why we are hesitant to have the mental health discussion. Casey outlines her experience with mental illness and how her understanding led her to have open dialog with employees; producing a cohesive, productive and profitable team. 

Tools Provided through this presentation:

  • Improved communication, increased productivity. Learn how to build positive communication between team members through understanding your own emotional intelligence.
  • Retention strategies for HR professionals. Identify what makes your employees tick and how to manage unforeseen stress,
  • Building trust. Break down the barriers and increase engagement throughout your organization by providing therapeutic resources and incentives for diversity. 

Motivational Keynotes:

Over Coming Fear and Rejection

Have you ever been turned down for a dream job? Had a passion for starting a dream business, but considered foolish by friends and family? Has your well thought out idea been dismissed by colleagues in a company meeting? The person you were dating suddenly say they weren’t interested in pursuing things further?

It seems as though we hear “no”, more times in our lives, than we ever hear “yes.” This talk covers why fear is natural and rejection can be healthy, how we live in fear and doubt because we project rejection and how to reprogram our courage muscle. 


My Story: Finding Courage Through Curiosity

Do you have something in your life you would like to change, but aren’t sure how? Do you tell yourself you wish you had just a little more courage to make the leap?  Instead of beating ourselves up for the courage we think we lack, let’s first embrace what we have, the desire to change and become curious about how to get there.  As children we are constantly questioning everything to gather information and have our desires met. As adults we refrain asking the questions about ourselves and the world around us, in turn, our desires go unmet. 

This keynote highlights Casey’s battle with addiction and self–doubt, to how she transformed her life into one of fulfillment and self-love-and how you can too. She believes the courage to change and continue to grow is sparked by a tenacious curiosity, not innate courage. 

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