"Never Look Back Unless You Are Planning to Go That Way" -Thoreau 
About Me
Casey Ryan Life Coach Addiction Motivational Speaker

In 2005, my life took a significant turn as I grappled with the challenges of severe depression and anxiety. These inner struggles were accompanied by a long-standing battle with alcoholism that had started when I was 13 years old. By age 21, my intuition told me to “run and never look back.” 

This choice reshaped my self-perception, and I embarked on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery.

I made a deep commitment to staying sober, aiming for freedom from substances and the bondage of the mental prison of self-doubt and indecision.

I waited tables to support myself while pursuing a degree in social work until I realized that a traditional therapy career was not my calling.

Ultimately, I chose a path of management and leadership, allowing me to coach, inspire, and empower hundreds of people, guiding them to challenge their limiting beliefs, identify their strengths, and embrace the idea that “mistakes” are part of the journey.

»»»» In 2016, I confronted a critical question: “Would I be content with living the same life in five years?” My corporate management role was rewarding, but my passion was fading.

My response to this question led to a pivotal decision: I exchanged my corporate badge for a passport and stepped away from my position to explore the world.

During my extensive travels through Europe, the Middle East, the Subcontinent, and Southeast Asia, I conversed with individuals from diverse backgrounds. What became evident was a common challenge—difficulty in communicating with themselves and others about their feelings and aspirations.

Then, I began to understand my duty to the Universe: to coach others on vulnerability, leadership communication, self-reflection, mindfulness, and how to pursue their creative passions.

I cultivated fresh habits, restructured my view of challenges, and discovered inspiration everywhere. I delved into various studies, including becoming a certified life coach, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), meditation, yoga, DBT, REBT, and spiritual practices.

I actively participated in international self-development seminars and trauma healing workshops, surrounding myself with individuals who shared my path of self-discovery.

»»»»In 2018, I began life coaching and business consulting, assisting individuals who had an idea for a business but needed help figuring out where to start due to doubt or lack of business knowledge.

I have consulted individuals, startups, and small businesses on organizational structure, SOPs, and leadership development.

»»»»In 2019, I became a Communications and Leadership Coach with Alan Carroll and Associates, a global leader in teaching the art of effective communication and public speaking.

This role seemed either divine or ironic, given that, as a child, I barely spoke due to my debilitating anxiety of judgment and the belief my thoughts and needs weren’t worthy of being heard.

Facilitating others to communicate effectively has been one of the most significant gifts I’ve received. It has allowed me to witness the profound transformations individuals can experience in just three days when provided with a safe space, guidance, the necessary tools, and encouragement.

Everything I yearned for as a child, I now have the privilege of teaching adults!

I facilitate Public Speaking and Leadership Communication courses for professionals students worldwide and have found that the struggle to communicate, express, and articulate our thoughts and feelings effectively is universal.

»»»» Outside of ACA, I facilitate personal and professional seminars for domestic and global corporations and unions.

I make the most significant impact on society by facilitating, coaching, and consulting. My responsibility is to assist clients in uncovering their inherent talents and abilities, enabling them to harness their potential and craft a life filled with pride, achievement, and purpose.

My duty is to create a ripple effect of inspiration and empowerment that lives well beyond my years on Earth. 

Sometimes, we only need one person to be the reasoning, knowledge, and guiding conduit.

I am grateful to those who have inspired me, listened to me complain, let me cry, and show me a different way of life. No words, only actions can repay what I have been freely given. 

May the Universe Keep You Safe. Until Then…

-Casey Ryan

More Info About I What I Do 

I Hold: 

  • A Bachelor’s In Marketing
  • An M.S in Management and Leadership

Clients include:

  • SAP
  • AWS
  • Delta
  • Various Trade Unions
  • Governmental Agencies
  • Lake County Health Department (IL)
  • NS2 Serves
  • local Non-Profits


  • Advanced Communication Skills Workshop
  • Advanced Communication Principles of Leadership
  • Finding Your Higher Self
  • How to Get of the Merry-go-Round and Take Action
  • Managing Resistance in Communication
  • Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs

Areas of Coaching:

  • One-on-One Professional Communication and Public Speaking Skills
  • Business Development
  • Skill Building Emotional Regulation 
  • Transformative Mindset Coaching
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